You hear a loud clanking from behind you, causing everyone to turn around.
Triera screams.
You watch as the kernel splits from the sprite, one half rising through your ceiling and the other going through your floor.
What is left is the ghostly jade visage of... a contemporary suit of Alternian armour.
An olden knight, floating solemn and tall above the four of you.
...the same kind of thing that you saw Atyava become, in Devana's hive.
Only this time, mirroring your prototyping, shield and all.
Howler looks up at the visage of the Knight- There's certainly a bit of laden envy in her gaze, that suit looks really impressive. Unlike Triera, though, Howler really isn't all that scared of it.
She wonders how its all connected, but steps forward, just a little closer, to...
Examine it.